1. SPAJ140C型组合式过电流与接地故障继电器是用于
B、电阻接地 C、阻抗接地 2. 综合的保护继电器包括(过流元件和接地故障元件)两部分,具有高度灵活的跳闸和信号装置。 3、馈线保护可根据使用要求,采用单相、两相或三相过流保护以及无方向接地故障保护。 4、过流与接地故障继电器还包含有断路失灵保护。
Three-phase, low-set phase overcurrent unit with definite time or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic Three-phase, high-set phase overcurrent unit
with instantaneous or definite time operation characteristic Three-phase, superhigh-set phase overcurrent unit with instantaneous or definite time operation characteristic Low-set earth-fault unit with definite time or inverse definite minimum time (IDMT) characteristic High-set earth-fault unit with instantaneous or
definite time function Phase discontinuity stage with definite time characteristic. The phase discontinuty stage can be set out of operation
Built-in circuit breaker failure protection Two heavy-duty and four signal output relays with field-selectable configuration Output relay matrix allowing any start or trip signal from the protection stages to be routed to the desired output relay. Local display of measured and set values and
data recorded at the moment of a fault. Reading and writing of setting values either via local display and front panel push buttons or from higher-level systems over the serial interface and the fibre-optic bus. Self-supervision system continuously monitoring the operation of the electronics and the mircoprocessor. When a permanent fault is detected the alarm output relay operates and the other relay outputs are blocked.